$PORT3 Staking in Mammoth
Earn more $PORT3 in a safer and easier way
Last updated
Earn more $PORT3 in a safer and easier way
Last updated
As the First Delegate of Port3 Network Layer2 nodes, Mammoth DAO will distribute all 8% APR from the Port3 Network official staking rewards to Mammoth $PORT3 staking participants. On top of that, Mammoth DAO will also provide more incentives to the early supporters.
In the Mammoth $PORT3 staking, there are two roles: Tribe Chief and Members of Tribe (MOT), each enjoying different staking rewards.
Staking Rewards: According to the staking period, the Tribe Chief can receive up to 120% APY of the principal value of $PORT3 as the staking reward.
Growth Rewards:
An additional 5% of the new staking amount in your tribe as the growth rewards
An additional 3% $PORT3 if you invite a new Tribe Chief
An additional 2% $PORT3 if you invite a new staking participant
Users will be able to become a Mammoth Tribe Chief in two ways:
With a deposit of 200,000 $PORT3 or 20,000 USDT, users will be able to build their own Mammoth Tribe and become the Tribe Chief and enjoy the benefits and rewards.
Invite friends to participate in the staking, once the referred staking amount accumulates over 40,000 USDT worth of $PORT3, then the inviter will upgrade to Tribe Chief.
Staking Rewards: According to the staking period, the MOT can receive up to 96% APY of the principal value of $PORT3 as the staking reward.