🌠MAMA - The Governance Token

Token Info

Name: MAMA

Total Supply: 18.5 Million

Chain: BNB Chain

Contract Address: TBC

  • Coming soon to the world’s top centralized exchanges

  • Roadshow will start in Q3 2024

  • Holders can enjoy governance rights Airdrop and whitelist priority for projects incubated by SoPad and Mammoth Tribe

What can you do with $MAMA?


As the governance token in Mammoth DAO, $MAMA token holders will be able to participate in the DAO management and have a say in decision making.

Various exclusive rights

As $MAMA token holder, you will be able to enjoy:

  • Airdrop from the project incubated by Sopad and Mammoth DAO

  • Whitelist of the project in Sopad and Mammoth DAO

Token Distribution

Last updated